Wednesday 30 November 2016

My beautiful artwork

Term 4 Inquiry Learning - "Transport: Past, Present, Future"

For our Inquiry learning this term we looked at what transport used to be like, what it is like now and thought about what it might be like in the future. We made some posters of our learning to show what cars look like in the past, present and in the future. 

Term 4 Maths Learning – Money

This term for Maths we were learning about money (what it looks like and how to add amounts together). We went on a pirate treasure hunt to find notes in our school sandpit. Here is a photo of how much money I found.

Term 4 Physical Education – Athletics

This term for PE we were practising our running, jumping and throwing skills in order to participate in our school junior athletics day. This is a photo of me practising my shot put technique.

Term 3 Writing

This term for writing we were learning about narratives (fairy tales). We read a range of fairy tales and retold them in our own way using gems that we know such as adjectives, direct speech and onomatopoeia. We wrote a narrative about the Gingerbread Man and made some creations to go with it.

Term 3 Inquiry Learning – “Move it, Move it”.

This term we learnt about Dance. We explored the elements of dance such as body shapes, levels and pathways. Together as a class we created a dance piece that showed our learning of the dance elements. Click on the video below to watch our creation.